We’ve all done it. Had that flash of genius idea we would like to implement or vision of grandeur task we
would like to achieve and then never got it done because we couldn’t figure out where to start and it
looked impossible to get from where we currently were to where we desired to be. We needed someone to
come alongside us and pinpoint the starting location and that first leg of the journey to get us moving.
A “Mapping the Journey” session will take the time to look at your task or idea and break it down into
actionable steps that are simple enough to feel achievable. At the end of our 60 minute session, you will
be sent home with a typed, detailed, prioritized action plan to get you kickstarted towards your masterpiece.
Bonus: I KNOW the hardest part of any journey is taking that first step. So, for the last 5 minutes of our
time together, you will be, at the very least, beginning step 1 of your action plan to send you off with a
win and momentum.