War Paint

Art, in my opinion, is the most personal form of self expression there is. Whether it be painting, drawing, writing, dancing, singing, or acting, it bares the soul and gives us permission to tap into the most authentic and raw sides of ourselves. It draws our own eyes away from the masks we have chosen to wear and gives us an external, third party view of who we are.

War Paint brings us together in an online space once a month to take time to focus on listening to our inner world and translating it to a page or canvas while in a zone of protected vulnerability. The content you produce may surprise and/or startle you as you process your emotions through art. There will be opportunities to navigate and understand these realizations either in group or one on one outside of group.

Each person is responsible for supplying their own art tools and having them ready when we meet.

Dates Available!

This program is $7/class plus tax. Time of class is 6 – 7:30 p.m. Available for ages 18+. You are worthy of a joyful life!

